伍柏禎牧師 Rev. Frederick Eng
顧問牧師 Advising Pastor

Rev. Frederick Eng




Rev. Fred Eng retired from Chinese Evangelical Free Church of Los Angeles in July 2021 after serving as Senior Pastor for 8 years. Rev. Eng’s ministry experience has primarily been in the local multilingual, multicultural churches, including Chinese Evangelical Free Church of Los Angeles, Golden Gate Christian Church in San Francisco, and Community Baptist Church of San Jose. He enjoys teaching and preaching the Word of God and seeing people’s lives being transformed by the love of Christ.

Rev. Eng attained his Master of Divinity from Western Seminary, San Jose Campus. Prior to receiving his calling into full time ministry, he worked for IBM as a scientist with a Ph.D. in Macromolecular Science.

Rev. Eng was born in Canton, China and raised in Hong Kong. He immigrated with his family to the U.S. at the age of 17. Mrs. Yvonne Eng was born into a pastor’s family in Vietnam. She has served over the years as an active layperson in various ministries including teaching, children and women ministries. Her view of her own role is to support Rev. Eng's ministries as a faithful wife and church member. Rev. and Mrs. Eng have three grown married children and five grandchildren.

韋有瑜牧師 Rev. Simon Wai
英文牧師 English Pastor

Rev. Simon Wai

韋有瑜牧師曾在非牟利社區組織服務超過十五年, 在激勵及指導兒童, 青年, 家長與家庭的事工上, 有豐富的經驗。透過這些廣泛的社區工作, 他更深的領會到神救贖的大愛, 及教會向世界傳講這份愛時, 應要發揮的作用。

韋牧師熱衷於全然活出復和生命的異像, 和領導別人有同樣的異像–活出與神和解, 與人和解的生命。除此以外, 他熱衷於協助別人回復及確定他們在基督裡的真正 身份, 和實踐神給他們生命的目的。

韋牧師於加州大學聖地牙哥分校獲得心理學學士, 及從福樂神學院獲取道學碩士學位。作為一個具有遠見的領導者, 開拓者和創新者, 韋牧師很喜歡把握機會來運用他的創造力, 嘗試新的想法, 擴闊學習的領域及去經歷不同的轉變。韋牧師較輕鬆的一面是他喜愛牽動人心的音樂, 啟發思考的電影, 發揮體力的運動及助人成長的對話。

跟他一同走這人生及事奉的道路有他可愛的賢內助 Vanessa與兩個可愛的孩子, Miles及Jocelyn。

Pastor Simon has been motivating, mentoring, and mobilizing children, youth, parents and families in non-profit, community based organizations for over 15 years. Through his extensive work in the community he has gained a deeper understanding and appreciation for God's redemptive love and the role of the Church in sharing His love with the world.

Pastor Simon is passionate about fully living out, and leading others to live out, the ministry of reconciliation - to reconcile people to God and to reconcile people to each other. More than that, he is passionate about helping people recover and reclaim their true identity in Christ and unleash their God-given purpose.

He received his BA in Psychology at University of California, San Diego and his MDiv at Fuller Theological Seminary. As a visionary leader, pioneer and innovator, Pastor Simon enjoys opportunities to exercise creativity, explore new ideas, expand learning, and experience change. On a lighter note, he enjoys music that makes you feel, movies that make you think, sports that make you move, and conversations that make you grow.

Alongside him in life and ministry are his amazing wife, Vanessa, and their two amazing children, Miles and Jocelyn.

岑浩朗牧師 Rev. Ronald Sham
粵語牧師 Cantonese Pastor

Rev. Ronald Sham

岑浩朗牧師是在香港的一個中產家庭中成長,因 1997 金融風暴,家 庭環境突變, 父母之間的關係也轉差。自此生命經歷不同的改變。 在2008年他母親的憂鬱症因著耶穌而得以醫治,岑牧師亦因此經歷 了上帝的大能和信實, 便决志回轉歸向神。

岑牧師期後在教會中不斷成長,在2010年在短宣中蒙召,立志作全 時間的服侍。經過5年的尋求,當中包括在2013年在母會播道會恩 福堂全職作康體事工行政助理。2015年回應上主呼召在建道神學院 就讀道學碩士課程接受裝備。2018年畢業後在播道會泉福堂牧會, 主要負責青少年、大專、初職和兒童工作。直至2023年神奇妙地差 遣岑浩朗牧師一家個從香港到灣區聖荷西華人浸信會擔任粵語部傳道 ,並在2024年9月被按立成為牧師。

岑牧師的生命雖然經歷不同破碎,卻被上帝施恩拯救,能全時間事 奉上主更是福氣,他喜將生命經歷與弟兄姊妹分享,共同經歷見證上 帝的信實,彼此以生命影響生命。岑牧師期盼與弟兄姊妹一同經歷被 福音時刻的更新,活出一份行事為人與福音相稱的生命。岑牧師也熱 衷於宣講上帝的話語,在過程中不斷被轉化。

岑牧師喜愛運動、看電影,結交不同的朋友。岑牧師於 2018 年與他 太太小珍結婚, 家中育一位女兒倚呈,現時三歲。

Pastor Ronald was raised in a middle-class family in Hong Kong, but the stability was shattered by the 1997 financial crisis, which strained his parents’ relationship. His life took a significant turn when his mother found solace in Jesus Christ, overcoming her depression in 2008. This event prompted Ronald to rekindle his faith in God, recognizing His power and faithfulness in guiding their lives.

Pastor Ronald continued to grow in faith and was called to serve God in 2010 during a short-term mission trip. While seeking the will of God, he worked as an administrative assistant for the recreation ministry in EFCC Yan Fook Church from 2013 to 2014. In 2015, he responded the Lord's calling to be a full-time student at the Hong Kong Alliance Bible Seminary and earned his Master of Divinity in 2018. After graduation, he served as a youth pastor at Spring Church, Evangelical Free Church of China (EFCC) in Hong Kong. In 2023, God led his family from Hong Kong to Community Baptist Church of San Jose to be a Cantonese Pastor and he was ordained as a Pastor in September 2024.

Pastor Ronald’s journey, though marked by hardships, is a testament to the grace of God. Serving the Lord full-time is a profound blessing for him. He finds joy in sharing his life experiences with fellow believers, witnessing together the faithfulness of God and impacting each other’s lives through these shared moments. Pastor Ronald looks forward to experiencing with his congregation the continual renewal brought by the Gospel, living a life that be worthy of the gospel. His passion for preaching God’s word is not only evident but also transformative, shaping him continually in the process

Pastor Ronald enjoys sports, watching movies, and making friends. In 2018, he married his wife Cherry, and they have a daughter, Dorothy, who is now three years old.

梁真豪傳道 Pastor Jin Yang
青少年事工傳道 Minister of Youth Ministry

Pastor Jin Yang

梁真豪傳道出生於南韓,在加州舊金山長大。在一個基督教家庭中成長,他對上帝並不陌生,但直到2011年他才真正認識上帝。梁傳道渴望激勵青少年一生愛主,並將這份愛傳遞給下一代。他喜歡研究神學、進行重量訓練、喝黑咖啡、觀看體育比賽和品嚐亞洲美食,這一切都是為了榮耀上帝。 梁傳道在舊金山州立大學獲得運動機能學學士學位,並在南方浸信會神學院獲得神學碩士學位。他與妻子Lynn育有兩個孩子,Avigail 和 Timothy。

Pastor Jin was born in South Korea and raised in San Francisco, California. Growing up in a Christian home, he was familiar with God, but it wasn’t until 2011 that he truly came to know Him. Pastor Jin’s passion is to inspire the youth to love Christ throughout their lives and pass that love on to future generations. He enjoys studying theology, weight training, drinking black coffee, watching sports, and savoring Asian cuisine, all to the glory of God.

Pastor Jin earned his BS in Kinesiology from San Francisco State University and his MDiv from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is married to Lynn, and together they have two children, Avigail and Timothy.

馮曾詠怡姊妹 Sister Betty Fung
兒童事工主任 Director of Children Ministry

Sister Betty Fung馮曾詠怡姊妹生於香港,一九八三年高中時期移民到美國三藩市灣區。同年十二月,馮姊 妹接受耶穌作其個人救主。雖然是初信基督徒,但感到神的呼召,希望裝備好自己事奉神 ,讓其他人明白神的愛及衪偉大的救恩。

馮姊妹於聖荷西州立大學獲得商業行政管理/心理學學士,在西方神學院取得領袖事工碩 士學位。馮姊妹丈夫馮文良是一位中學化學老師,他們有兩名可愛的女兒若羚和若琳。他們 一家喜愛烹飪、旅遊和嘗試新菜館。馮姊妹也喜歡閱讀、音樂、寫作、手工及園藝。

Betty was born in Hong Kong. In 1983, as a high school student, she immigrated to the US and settled in the Bay Area. Later that same year in December, she accepted Jesus as her Savior and Lord. Even as a new believer, she already felt the Lord's calling to serve Him, and she had a strong desire to attend seminary to be equipped for Kingdom work. Her passion is for others to know God's love and amazing grace.

Betty has a BS in Business Administration, Management and a minor in Psychology from San Jose State University, and a MA in Ministry and Leadership from Western Seminary. She is married to Sam, a public high school Chemistry teacher. Her family is complete with two lovely daughters, Elaine and Joanna. Together, they enjoy cooking, traveling and trying out new restaurants and different kinds of cuisine. When she can find a few moments of being alone, Betty enjoys reading, music, journaling, arts and craft and gardening.