宣教部負責統籌 The Missions Department shall organize the following activities:

宣教項目 Missions Programs
開展宣教的課程、見證和禱告會, 旨在提高宣教意識和鼓勵參與宣教活動。
Programs such as classes, testimonies, and prayer meetings designed to raise awareness of missions and to encourage participation in missions.

宣教大會 Missions Conference
The goal of Missions Conference is to educate and encourage the congregation in missions and faith promise giving, and to provide an opportunity for returning missionaries and organization representatives to share their ministries.

短期宣教 Short-Term Missions
Trips intended to give the congregation first-hand experiences in mission fields, to help affirm God's calling for career missionary work, and/or to raise world missions awareness.

支持傳教士 Missionary Support
Coordinate and manage financial support, prayer support and correspondence with career missionaries and missions organizations, which shall include seeking out the missionaries and organizations to support.